Monday, May 4, 2009

May is National Scrapbooking Month

This past weekend has been such fun. May 1st was National Scrapbooking Day, so all weekend crafting sites and blogs were offering challenges. Online crops were going on everywhere, and RAKS (Random Acts of Kindess) were plentiful.

There is something about challenges that gets my creative juices flowing. Maybe it's the pressure of someone giving me a deadline. But anyway, I got a lot of scrapping done and am motivated to do even more this week.

Here are some of the challenges I entered.

#1. A Bee-utiful Challenge (My subject for this layout, was my grandson and his bee-utiful eyes.)

#2. Fiskateers May Sketch

#3. I Have to Have Some Sewing (I hand stitched around my photos, sewed on a button and laced a button through the title.)

#4. Scrappy Scrap Challenge (Make a layout using old scraps)

#5. Gorgeous Gallery-Times Two (You had to scraplift someone's layout from the gallery). This one was fun, as I used a picture of one of my friend's decorated sneaker in my layout.)

#6. Sunday Morning Challenge (Make a layout using old items that you never seem to use any more. I dug out all my old stickers, paper borders, and foamies.)

#7. Card Tag / Combo (pretty self explanatory)

#8. Show your Fiskars Pride Challenge

I love online crops and can't wait to find some more challenges. In the meantime, I have plenty of pictures I need to be placing on layouts and I ready to create. Thanks for visiting my Blog.

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